If you're a college student, check with your school. Many colleges and universities have deals with software companies that allow them to sell software to their students at a steep discount. Adobe and Microsoft are two companies that usually participate in these programs, and you can often get software for as much as 75% off. The school's IT department or the bookstore may be able to help you out with this.What is the cheapest place for a student to buy photoshop?
You might be able to get the elements version of photoshop for $50, but not the professional version. The elements version does a lot, but not quite as much as the regular version.
try CDW.
I got Adobe Photoshop for $1. Right now i have it on my pc, Adobe Photoshop 7, and it's like 500 mb.
Check on ebay.
Unless you can find someone to sell you a c*py for say $40,, I think I could come up with one if you want it bad enough, its Photoshop Elements 5.0
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